
It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML is used to make webpages.It uses a series of tags, HTML organizes content, covering things like headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more.HTML uses multimedia elements to create a webpage. These tags guide web browsers in presenting information effectively. In essence, HTML is crucial for building web content, allowing the creation of text documents with added multimedia elements.

There are two types of tags:
Paired Tag

These tags are paired,which means that these types of tags have an opening tag ad well as closing tag.
For eg:

This tag is used to make the text bold

This tag is used to make the text in italic font

This tag is used to underline

Standalone Tag

This type of tag do not require closing tag because it dosent enclose any content.
For eg:

This tag is used ti draw a horizontal line which seperates the text. "hr" means Horizontal Rule element.
This tag is used to break a line in the text. "br" means Line Break element.

3. meta
This tag is used to specify charactet set, page description. Meta tags are not apper on the webpage.


Following are the HTML tags and their uses:

1. Heading Tags

There are six levels of Heading Tags and they are as follows:

  1. Heading 1

  2. Heading 2

  3. Heading 3

  4. Heading 4

  5. Heading 5
  6. Heading 6

Here the H1 tag is the largest and the H6 is the shortest.
2. P This is paragraph tag and is usef to break up each paragraph.
3. Blockquote This tag is used for indicating long quotation.
4. PRE In this tag the font style will be typewritter.
5. ABBR It is used to give the fullform of the acronym. Eg: CSSCascading Style Sheet
6.ACRONYM It is used to give the short form of the abbreviation. Eg: Cascading Style Sheet CSS
7.AddressThis tag is used to insert address into a content and then generates, also used in postal and electronic mails. Eg:
G.B Road

8. CodeThis tag is used to define a computer code with the html document. Eg: console.log
9. Del This is the delete tag,used to cancel the text which you dont need. Eg: Ann Maria
10. InsThis is the insert tag,used to indicate that its an inserted text to the document.
11. DEFThis is the defination tag, usef to define a particular term. Eg: "As Soon As Possible"is the Full form of ASAP.
12. VarThis is the variable tag, used to define a variable within the content of mathematical or programming expressions. Eg: lis the length.
13. IMG This is the image tag, used to insert a particular image.

14. BasefontThis is a standalone tag, the default size is 3 and the size ranges from 1 to 7. It is used for font, colour and size.
15.S or StrikeThis tag us used to strike out a particular text. Eg: 180200
16. SUBIt means subscript,This tag is used write below the line. Eg:H2O
17. SUPIt means superscript,This is used to write below the line. Eg:a2+b2=(a+b)2-2ab
18. BIG Eg: Hello
19. Small Eg: hello

20. SampleIt is a sample text tag, used to define text that represents sample output from a computer program or a script. Eg:calculation is30
21. emIt means emphasized, it is used to indicate that it is emphasized text A simple tag used to make single paragraph execute every new line. Eg:MyBlog
22. citeIt is used to show that thr content is refered from somewhere. Eg:referred from.geeksforgeeks
23. TTIt means typewritter text,it is a container text which is to be render in a fixed width font.The font is a type of typeeritting font. R Eg:This is Ann Maria Varghese
24. fontThis is a tag where the font contains text whose font properties are to be modified.

In short the padded tags are given below

Padded tag
  • B
  • big
  • small
  • font
  • strike
  • sub
  • sup
  • tt
  • u
  • abbr
  • acronym
  • address
  • cite
  • code
  • del
  • ins
  • def
  • em
  • sample
  • var


There are two types of elements in html:

Inline Level:
Inline elements are used to differentiate the part of text and to give it a particular function or meaning. Inline elements are like text tools that focus on a small part of a sentence, usually just a word or a few words, to give them a special role or meaning.

Block Level:
Block-level elements in HTML act like building blocks for web pages. They form separate sections, usually starting on a new line and extending across the full width of their container.Unlike inline elements, block-level ones create visible breaks in the content flow, making it easier to organize different parts of a webpage clearly.


A webpage is like a digital document on the internet. It is a file containing text, images, and other elements that your web browser displays when you visit a specific web address. Think of it as a virtual page that you can view on your computer or mobile device, providing information or interactive content.


1.!DOCTYPE html
Specifies HTML5 version for browsers to understand the code.

Encloses all webpage content, acting as the root element.

Contains webpage information, like the browser tab title ("My First Webpage").

Holds visible content, including an h1 heading ("My First Webpage") and a p paragraph ("This is a paragraph...").

5.Closing Tags
Tags like html,head,body close their respective sections, defining the HTML structure.


An image link consists of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that points to the location of an image file on the web. This URL typically ends with an image file extension such as .jpg, .png, or .gif. When this link is embedded in HTML using the IMG tag with the appropriate source attribute (src), web browsers retrieve the image from the specified URL and display it on the webpage.


1. Begin by downloading the image and embedding the IMG src in the code.

2. Proceed to create link by uploading the picture.

3. Then it will generate a unique URL for the uploaded image.

4. Copy this URL.

5. Replace the tag in the code with the copied URL.

6. This completes the process, successfully creating a URL for that specific image link.